Alan Parekh

Computer controlled RC helicopter

Eliot Phillips of Hackaday writes: “RC helicopters have become so cheap that they’re now a really attractive robotics platform. This guide gives a jumping off point for starting your own project. It covers how to integrate a Gumstix embedded linux system into the helicopter. Code is provided so that you can hook up a usb controller to your laptop and control the helicopter over Bluetooth. All you need to do

Nissan's New Gaming Platform

It wouldn’t be unheard of for a large manufacturer to venture into new territory but no Nissan isn’t developing a game console they have integrated it into a concept car. I guess gamers of the future will be spending more time in their cars 🙂 . The game system uses the cars steering wheel and pedals as input devices for the game unit which is a coveted XBox-360. Geek Zone

Animated Singing Santa Hack

Josh McCormick took a regular WalMart singing santa and hacked it! It is now a santa that has had a bit too much to drink. Watch the videos, they are great. “If you’ve ever gone to Wal*Mart during the Christmas season, you’ve seen it. I figure that at least a quarter of the US population has been exposed to it by now. A 5 foot tall Santa Claus that sings

Photos of Quad G5 Processor Disassembled

“Note the dual cooling pumps and massive heat exchanger. Even the cache has a huge heatsink. Here is the new Quad processor from the PowerMac G5. Note the dual cooling pumps and massive heat exchanger. Even the Voltage regulator has a huge heatsink. Keeps my room warm at night. “ read more | digg story

Stanley's dual-purpose construction watches

We’re pretty sure it won’t take much to convince you that these Stanley wristwatches are about the greatest thing evar, so let’s just run through the loot, shall we? From left to right we have the measuring watch (with calculator), flashlight watch, vice watch (yes, a vice watch), and the relatively pedestrian screw driver watch. The watches are $56 each, but look on the face of the large-wristed handyman you

World's Largest Heatsink

Pumping an impressive 25 cubic metres of air per second Zalman are confident that the Big Boy Turbo Mega Fan 2 will be able to keep any Intel CPU, up to and including the Pentium 4 670 3.8GHz, running cool in even the warmest conditions. Drawing an impressive 1400Watts of power, Zalman include a full instruction booklet on how to daisy chain 5 300W PSU’s together to power the fan,