1. Does anyone know where to buy one of those?

  2. Trust me: If you don’t know about them, or where to get them…

    You. Can’t. Fly. Them.

    The guys in the videos are pros–I recognize them from some of the hobby mags I have here at the house. The airplanes use turbine-jets inside them. The same thing as what big jets use, only smaller and obviously RC.

    They have little ones that are ‘toys’ you can buy, that will get you up to about 50Mph–but the ones in the video are screaming along at 180+Mph. Where a glitch in your radio will sent it straight INTO the ground. No, not a crash, but 1-2′ into the ground. You will have to dig out your model.

    If you want to try out your hand at flying, without buying all kinds of expensive equipment–try Realflight G3.5 which you can pickup online at http://www.realflight.com which comes with a controller and everything. They have similar planes in the simlulator of these, and just go ahead and fly one and you’ll see what I mean.

  3. I can’t believe how good that guy must be to fly that thing at all, let alone that close to the ground, and on an unpaved field. Unreal.

  4. The only thing that would make that cooler would be a cockpit mounted camera transmitting to real time on the ground, and use that to fly.

  5. this must be more difficult than flying a real jet, these guys must have eagle-eyes to keep track of their models 🙂

  6. The music SUCKS!!! Why do so many people who put together these rc jet videos think that they have to use any music at all, let ALONE that horrible f***in’ “Danger Zone”?!?

    Jeez! Let us hear the engines.

    and btw, this isn’t really hacked anything.

  7. how fast does it go ?

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