Monitors Galore

I love multiple monitors, I don’t think I could go back to just one. But I only have two, three when I extend my desktop onto the laptop screen… This setup makes me feel like my system is just a toy. 🙁 I think I need a new resolution for this year, more productivity from bigger monitors (and more of them)…

“For those of you who are tech-heads, I’ll list the specs: Quad G5/4GB/750GBx2/2×30″ (right), Dual G5/3GB/750GBx2/1×30″ (left,upper)/G4-1.33/120GB/2GB/17″ (left, lower). For my uber geek friends — center lower – Sony wireless 15″ tv; Sonos wireless remote; and about 6TB of portable drives, oh, and the two G5’s are connected via GigE so they share drives and data in as near real time as possible, and there are six CF card readers, three FW400 Lexar’s, two FW800 Sandisk’s, and one USB2 Sandisk – sweet for the redundant ingest of up to 24GB of images (with 4GB cards) unattended, meaning I can go to sleep after starting the ingest! ”


  1. I love multi-monitor set ups, this looks like the sweetest one I’ve seen in awhile. I would have a seven monitor set up if I had the space in my comp case, and on my desk.

  2. lol i got 2 monitors my pc and my tv i should do it like laptop,tv then pc monitor

  3. i wonder if this guy gets annoyed when someone drops a bowling ball down the stairs and the phone falls off the hook.

  4. i’m perplexed by the empty black business card holder in the lower right corner. What’s that doing there?

    Actually, there’s a second empty business card holder to the right of the empty black business card holder. It’s silver.

    Do these empty business card holders symbolize how popular this guy is?

  5. hahahahahahahaha omg that bowling ball comment was friggin hilarious. the things some people see astound me.
    and yes empty business card holders are an indication of his awesomeness

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