We have seen a DIY WiFi radio here before, it was built by Jeff Keyzer from mightyOhm. Well it turns out that Jeff’s project inspired this Wifi Radio Project based on a Atmel ATmega8 to be built, this one was made by Gary Dion. As you will read, Gary didn’t copy the project that Jeff did but rather get inspiration from it, many things are done in a different way. Nice thing about both projects is that when you look at the final product it doesn’t look like a DIY project that is held together with hot glue and Popsicle sticks like some other projects we have seen (not that there is anything wrong with that). If you want to make your own Gary have provided the code at the bottom of his article.
“First things first, I had to collect all the parts I wanted to fit into the radio. There would be the Asus WL-520gu router, the USB audio adapter, the vacuum fluorescent display (VFD) I recently found on ebay, various knobs/buttons, and some sort of processor board to pull everything together. For small projects like this, my trusty ATmega8 has never let me down, so I felt it was up to the task.”