This bike POV uses a PIC microcontroller to control 32 LEDs. The hand wiring and soldering on the back of the board is amazing, those are all surface mount components on a standard perf board! It uses a 16f628 chip and the source code has been provided.
Update: Video added
“The whole thing is based on a pic16f628A, with some SMD mosfets to power the led’s. Those are very bright RGB led’s with SMD resistors for smaller PCB size and lower weight. That’s important too when keeping in mind that a heavy weight could give a unbalanced wheel. When all the led’s are on ( 32 led’s, each 3 colors, it draws 10Watt, but normally it will use less than 1 watt. Power comes from 4 NiMh AA cells. And there lifetime before charging is very long.
Keeping the rotation synchronized with showing the text is possible by 2 reed sensors. So each rotation shows twice the image. You could do it once, but that means half the refresh rate. ”
Very nice work, really appreciate.
I am hobbiest and just started working on PIC. I made one simple POV, and
one simple RGB program.. I am trying to multiplex many RGBs with one small
PIC. Can you help me in this regards?
Can I get schematic of your circuit and source code?
Can you please refer me a good site..
I have asked you so many questions:)
Kind regards, Imran