Tetranitrate has created a nice looking DIY LED Chess Set. It looks a bit time consuming to build, but the results are great!
"Sixteen blue LEDs and sixteen green LEDs are glued inside the hollow recesses in the base of each chess piece. The positive contacts for the LEDs are wired to copper washers attached to the base of each chess piece. The negative contacts for the LEDs are clipped to be made flush with the rest of the base. A conductive chessboard is made from a sheet of copper. The sheet is wired to the positive lead from a power transformer. Insulated holes through the center of each square on the board allow magnets to pass through. The magnets connect and hold a negatively wired steel plate underneath to the negative leads from the LEDs."
Inductive power transfer using hidden coils in the chessboard and pieces would have been neat…
I did roughly the same thing last year as a Xmas present for my nephew. I took a glass chess set as this project except I glued magnets to the bottoms (N=white, S=black), and made a sensor array of Hall effect devices with a egg-crate style reflector with bipolar LEDs. I used a pic to control sensing and lighting.
Sounds cool Dev, any pictures?
Now we can paly Chest in the night :0
How about trying 1 light bulb and 64 holes with light shining through 🙂
that’s pretty cool. i built one out of engine parts. i call it “High Octane Chessâ€
check it out: http://RevRods.com/Projects/High_Octane_Chess/Default.aspx